Well...I had a book somewhere that had the bus schedules for several destinations on O'ahu, but I can't seem to find it right now.
What I can tell you is to vist http://thebus.org/ to find schedules and information on the bus. You can also call (808) 848-4500, which is the customer service number if you have questions on what route to take. They are very helpful and will get you to where you want to go on one transfer. (I've used it before).
I'd suggest purchasing a 4 day bus pass ($20) rather than paying per ride. Most likely you'll take the bus more than 10 times so you'll come out ahead with the pass.
You will want to get to the Pearl Harbor Memorial about an hour prior to opening so you can get out to the memorial on the first or second boat. We were so glad we did this - by the time we got back to the visitor's center the wait to for a boat out to the memorial was 3 hours (we were on the first boat) and the park had only been open an hour or so. http://www.nps.gov/usar
If you can, you may want to do the memorial and the Flea Market on Wed. The stadium where the flea market (called the Aloha Swapmeet) is just down the road from the visitor's center. The memorial will only take you about 2 hours, and the swapmeet can be done in just a few hours depending on how much of a shopper you are.http://www.alohastadiumswapmeet.net/
You won't be able to get from Pearl Harbor to the Dole Plantation in an hour by bus. Really, there isn't anything you can do at the plantation that you don't have to pay for. I wasn't that impressed by the platation and I did the maze, the garden tour and the train tour. http://www.doleplantation.com/index.aspx
I'd scrap the submarine ride (not a real submarine, just a boat with underwater seating) and Germaine's Luau and instead spend the money (and the day) at the Polynesian Culutral Center. http://polynesia.com/ From what I've heard, PCC offers a great laua and show, as well as having 7 polynesian villages. You can choose from several packages, with some offering private or small tours. I spent 2 months in Oahu and regretted not going. I can't wait to go back because PCC is on the top of my list of things to do.
For snorkeling, don't go with a tour company. You can take the bus out to Hanauma Bay and rent a dry snorkel, mask and fins there for $9/person. Most tour companies charge at least $14 (plus the $5 entrance fee) and you're only there for 4 hours. If you go on your own you can stay as long as you'd like. Make sure to bring snacks and water with you as they don't sell any on the beach. You may aslo want to bring a little money with you and pay to take the tram back up to the parking lot after snorkeling. The hill down to the beach is a killer! http://www.co.honolulu.hi.us/parks/facility/hanaumabay/welcome.htm
Make time to just stroll along Kalakaua Ave in the evenings. There's so much going on-street performers, artists, shops. It's a great place to just hang out and people watch. Some nights there's an amazing balloon artist who makes balloon animals, hats, hula girls, and more for donations so he can keep his kids in private school. He was a huge hit with my frined's kids and I'll admit, the kid in me was impressed too.
Pick up a O'ahu This Week for cupons, events, resturant listings and other information. They're free and can be found at any ABC store and all over Honolulu and Waikiki. http://www.thisweek.com/oahu/index.html
Congratulations on your marriage and have fun!