ok my husband was just deployed to kuwait, in the past year he really hasn't been home much at all with the week and month long training. he is on a 12 month tour. he was just home for a week for christmas and he is trying to get his R&R for Aug. 09 to be home for our birthdays and our anniversary. we have been together for 9 yrs we have three kids under the age of five. we are still very young ourselves and we have never really done anything together like a vacation or anything like that. i was wanting to plan a trip while he was home for his R&R but feel very guilty that the kids wouldn't get to spend as much time with him and or vice versa. so i was wondering if it would be best to just stay home and do things with the kids like the zoo or holiday world. Then just take a trip when he is home in november for the two of us. so i guess what im asking is do you think him and the kids should spend as much time together as possible or would it be ok for use to spend a weekend alone together?