Ok, so hea we go onna King, Elvis Presley, ok? So, otha than a few picture that sell atta flea market, no "Elvis" musuem hea Hawiai, least way that I know bout, but there is a BIG thing hea that Elvis helped make happen, the story go like this, at least far as I remember, ok? So, US Congress authorize the building of the USS Arizona memorial, but they NOT alot any construction money, that have to come from private donation, ok? So, Elvis was comeing to Oahu to film "Blue Hawaii", which shot hea on location, and his manager "Col Parker" hear bout problem that group have in raise money, so he and Elvis decide to put onna benefit concert, ok? So, itta really big deal, I mean this in 1961, and people pay up to 100 buck for ticket, and they raise ova 50K for project, that need total of 500K to build, yeah? So, wen you goto Arizona Memorial, remeber, Elvis kick in big money at that time to help with cost, yeah? Now, it not only raise money, but also raise public awareness of need for money, so with help of war veteran organization from all ova the world, and elected politician from Hawaii, the money to build the memorial happen really fast, cause they been try to raise money since 1958 when congress authorize the memorial, but it took Elvis to lite fire for donation, ok? So, go to memorial, gonna be little article from paper bout Elvis and his donation, how he sing bout 15 song, and how local people become so big fan of Elvis cause of his music, and what he do, ok? Hope this help, peace and aloha to you!