Hilo side is more beautiful because it gets so much more rain. It has mosquitos and no beaches.
You could arrive at Hilo Airport in a.m., drive south, see the big lava tube, and the Volcano info center which has a movie.
Drive down to Volcano just before sunset. Clouds of red and orange steam rise as hot lava enters the ocean. Stay at Volcano house or one of the many pricy B&B's there. Stay there longer if you want to hike some of the trails but it's barren, hot and awful...usually smells of sulphur.
Next day stop at Black Sand Beach - water is choppy but if you dare to swim, there are turtles.
Stop at City of Refuge - an outdoor museum.
Then north up the Kona Coast. Taste free coffee at any of the coffee mills.
Cheapest hotel in Kona is Kona Seaside, across from ocean, water activities, pier, fishing, boats, para-sail, etc. Homes cost much more than hotels.
You can visit swimming pools at any of the hotels as long as you look like a tourist (wear a hat, sun glasses, carry one or more tourist magazines). King Kamehameha has live music at sunset.
Warning: If you visit, you may want to stay. I absolutely could not wait to move here. Hoped for a vacation but my dream came true. Living here! On the big island, the largest and most affordable of the islands.
Hawaii is the best place to live as far as beauty, climate and culture. I'm retired so I don't know about jobs but you can check those at the main newspapers: westhawaiitoday.com and staradvertiser.com.
Also craigslist.com and Hawaii's Dept of Labor.
1 bdm or studio apts start at about $700/mo. Mine is a large studio, turnkey furnished for $725/mo plus tax = $755. That's rare. It was a miracle, so pray first. God can perform miracles for anybody.
You can get on a 2-3 yr waiting list for HUD Section 8 and other state/city/county housing programs. Wait lists are long because everyone wants to live here. They will write you when your name comes up on the list. Then you have 30 days to leave where you are, come to HI and find an apt.
So, after about 2 yrs, you can start paring down, selling stuff gradually or giving it to a charity for tax receipt.
Cheapest condos to buy are on Big Island where I live. 400 sq. ft 1 bdm/studios for $99,000 right on the ocean. That's a steal. Most other condos - especially oceanfront - are $300,000.
Sign up at aadvantage.com for American Airlines credit card. After you buy and pay for $750 worth of purchases in the first 4 months, they give you 25,000 air miles. Enough for round trip on mainland or 1-way to Hawaii. That's how I got here - WHAT A DEAL!!
It's in 70s at nite and 80's during the day. Spring/summer every day. We don't allow winter here. haha. Also no road rage, bill boards, no a/c needed, no heating bills, no snow tires, anti-freeze, no wardrobe. Everyone wears t shirts and shorts - even to church.
Electric is high but you can get gas stove. Most apts and condos now have solar heated water heaters.
Gas is about $3/gal but you can save 5 cents/gal by joining hicommfcu.com (credit union) or getting a Shell card. A tank lasts me 2 months. We don't drive as fast or as far so tires and gas last a long time.
Food is higher because most everything is imported But you can plant trees and grow veggies. Papayas bear fruit the first year. Ocean full of fish, mountains have wild bigs. You can almost live off the land. Year-round growing season.
No bottled water needed; ours is very safe. No air purifiers needed, either. Air over the Pacific is some of the cleanest there is.
There's Plenty of fun things to do. Lots of clubs and support groups. Beaches and parks are free.
Hawaiians are very laid back. Everyone drives with aloha. Nobody cuts in, nobody honks.
Very peaceful contented place.